The story behind our essential oils.

The journey to health freedom all begins with a decision…

For as long as humans have roamed the earth we have been in constant contact with plants, including herbs, spices and flowers, so that the human body can get packed with natural compounds that are rich sources of health and wellness  


Not symptom management, but Maximizing Wellness.

Divinessentials is a holistic approach to health and wellness incorporates clinically tested plant-based ingredients that work in tandem to promote healthy core level synergy within the body and mind naturally, without the use of harmful chemicals or short-term ‘fixes’ that can lead to long-term problems. We study the power of nature through the lense of science to bring you the ultimate in total health, wellness & beauty for a lifetime of happiness.

TESTIMONIAL - From the founder of Divinessentials: Have you ever had to wonder how a life filled with passion and purpose could suddenly come to the point of total collapse ? That is what I experienced 15 years ago, as I followed my purpose with too much passion, while working 7 days a week and running an art gallery to support local artisans. It seemed like a dream come true until one day, I woke up unexpectedly in the hospital being totally unable to move, and in excruciating PAIN in every inch of my body… I was told by the team of surgeons that I should be dead, and my lower intestine had been removed. I was diagnosed with Lyme disease, fluoroquinolone poisoning, and MCTD, a stage 4 autoimmune disease that would leave me crippled and unable to enjoy life …

I had been also poisoned by Flouroquinolone Antibiotics since the age of 20 yrs old. Therefore the side effects of exhaustion and fatigue had become commonplace... and It turned out that none of the drugs from big pharma, or the wealthy elites, could restore my energy and health, because the drugs they offered did not address the Root Cause...

They actually told me that the pain and weakness was something I would have to accept. But despite being in a wheelchair and hearing their predictions of doom, at some point I realized that no matter what situation we are passing through in life, the reality of who we become depends on our choices, and what we believe. So I had to make a decision about my future… Considering the severity of the situation, I came to the conclusion that there MUST be a reason I am still alive, and so, decided to live without limiting beliefs and proclaiming my Faith “ I will live and not die and declare the works of the Lord “ …..

Realizing that the only person who could take responsibility to change my level of health was me… I found that this is the way we take our power back and determine our own destiny... Because even though I had been diagnosed with MCTD, a severe stage 4 autoimmune illness, and was in constant pain day and night, I had finally HAD ENOUGH !!

The truth is that problems can either destroy you, or, they can propel you to become More.... If you look at your challenges and remind yourself of your vision for your life... You can make a clear decision and take action. Because now you have the power... So I made the decision to become healthy and strong, and not to settle for a life limited by fear or lies. I decided to quit all Pharmakeia drugs completely.... Including antibiotics, antidepressants, synthetic hormones, etc…. and as I detoxed from the Horrifying withdrawals, I realized there MUST BE A BETTER WAY

My Spirit ROSE UP..... I decided to refuse their defeating stories and to Reclaim My Destiny !!

As It turns out, there are literally thousands of clinical studies with research showing the effectiveness of Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils. These plant compounds are known to restore healthy function to the body and mind. I learned that certain essential oils like Thyme, Melissa, Oregano, and Cinnamon oil kill bacteria and viruses more effectively than the Pharmakeia drugs. Not only this.... they bring therapeutic benefits your body systems, like cleansing the blood and tuning the metabolism, reducing inflammation, and introducing antioxidants that help restore cellular health instead of causing long term harm and damage as we see from synthetic drugs...

I had to turn to God, and I Prayed for answers. So when i discovered Dr Mark Hyman and the Functional Medicine Institute... I studied the functional, wholistic approach to healing. I was trained and Certified as a drugless Practitioner by Dr Josh Axe, and the Essential Oils Institute. I tested the process, and it worked so well for me that it changed my life and I decided It was too good not to share ! The astonishing power of Essential Oils had revived and invigorated my health, and detoxified my body with no nasty side effects.

These key decisions and lifestyle advancements helped me gradually with the process of restoring my Identity and freedom..... Its a been a journey of discovery but I found that these targeted essential oil blends have been extremely beneficial, to help with overcoming depression, menopause symptoms, gut infection ( SIBO ), and reversing cellular damage. The relief and Tendonritis has been Fantastic in relieving chronic back and neck pain, and getting rid of the Arthritis i had in every single joint in my body.....

I experienced how these clinically studied essential oil compounds can reverse the effects of cellular aging, and relieve pain and tension with a quickness ! They lift my mood and increase brain balance while bringing daily enjoyment.


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Aromatherapy for Mood and Mindset